Saturday, April 4, 2009


Life is a bed of roses. Yes.
Though sweetness and love often bless,
In troubled fits I also lay-
Thorns pierce my sides- to my dismay.
I knock on the door of Dreams.
Desperate- for an answer.
Life, with her strangling whims
and vines, keeps short her tether.
Stallions of day sometimes terrify
more than the mares still behind.
Shall boastful Tomorrow dare defy-
the hold of Yesterday, in my mind?
Or shall He join with Her-
fellow mockers, foes of mine.
Just an impromptu poem i came up with upon seeing YeuAnn's post of 'The Sky is a Rose'. Sorry that its rather melancholic :p. the inspiration of it is the image of the rose which led me to think of a bed of roses- and to the saying that life is not a bed of roses. Haha. Do give me your input as well. :D

The Sky Is A Rose

The sky is a rose, lovely and light
With twinkling dewdrops of the night
Its whispering petals, O love's sweet spright
Shimmering down white star-streams bright.

Then come the dawn the Gardener shall see
That reddening rose, the mourning glory
And he will cut it off, don't you see?
To plant a fresh new night for you and me.

A poem I wrote last December... thought I'd put it up here for your input... :P

- Yeu Ann

Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Welcome to the Inaugural Writers' Circle (4 April 6.30 pm)

Hi dear fellow aspiring writers for our Lord...

First of all, I just want to say a Big Thank God For You!

I'm very encouraged by your enthusiastic interest in this fresh little adventure that we're planning to step out... to step out into the super-sized footprints of C.S. Lewis and J.R.R. Tolkien, who, about half a century ago, had come together to bemoan the declining standards of contemporary fiction, especially children's fiction, then.

But they didn't sit there and just complain! They knocked their fine heads together (I guess that explains their balding pates), grabbed their pens, and started writing away. And so we saw the births of the beloved chronicles of Narnia and the epics of LOTR, among other things

To be fair, they weren't the only members of the Inklings, an informal literary discussion group dedicated to  - just some of the more prominent ones. :)

To quote from the Great Wikipedia,
The Inklings were literary enthusiasts who praised the value of narrative in fiction, and encouraged the writing of fantasy. Although Christianvalues were notably reflected in several members' work, there were also atheists among the members of the discussion group.
"Properly speaking," wrote Warren Lewis, "the Inklings was neither a club nor a literary society, though it partook of the nature of both. There were no rules, officers, agendas, or formal elections."

So, it's in that spirit of both impacting the arena of literature in Singapore and all over the world (hopefully!), and hopefully, invite other brothers and sisters from other churches too...
and who knows? maybe in time to come, as a special interest group for our more literary-minded non-Christian friends too. =)

We could also be a mutual support group, where we can help encourage one another in writing, trade tips and insights into the highly complex worlds of copyrights and publishers' contracts, etc... innovate for different types of platforms of new media.

Some activities we could have could be:
- Share our works with one another - both finished and unfinished.
- Poetry recitals...
- Do silly and amusing things...
- Pray for one another...
- Encourage one another, esp when it comes to that perennial bane of all writers: The Writer's Block.
- Write good stories together
- Share our passions and convictions...
- Talk cock
- KTV sessions / gaming sessions / sports... (hey not everything needs to be about writing, right?)
- ??? (feel free to throw in your ideas here!)

So... it's with that dream in mind that I invite you guys to the first-ever Writers' Circle... would this Saturday evening be good for you guys? =) Please RSVP ASAP.

Thanks and God bless!

Your fellow writer for Christ,
Yeu Ann